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Cage Handling – Trolleys and Racks

Multipurpose trolleys or individual cage type racks are specifically designed to increase stock density and maximize bulk autoclaves load avoiding double handlings.

  • Different designs for different purposes:
    • Multishelves solutions to enhance the flexibility  of the load
    • Trolleys for nested items suitable for partial cage change operations
    • Racks for single-type cage suitable for integral cage change operations
  • Easy to manouvre thanks to their light design
  • Compatible with the full loop from cage change operations in the holding rooms through washing and autoclaving
  • Ratio between floor space and cage numbers optimized to increase density granting load stability
  • Standard design for manual applications and custom solutions for automation or special requirements
  • Washable and autoclavable covers (10µm filtration efficiency)
  • Alternative trolleys available for rabbit and guinea pig trays and cages

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