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Polaris - the lighthouse to navigate through your daily operations
// March, 2016

Polaris - the lighthouse to navigate through your daily operations

The operator interfaces are the gateway of users, supervisors and managers to the equipment features and potentialities.

The in-house team of designers and software engineers has developed a futuristic platform, transversal to the whole washing and automation portfolio, based on the modern web design principles resulting in an outstanding solution where are maximized:

  • Ease of use: very iconic and so simple to play with
  • Navigability: to find your own way has never been so intuitive
  • Interactivity: data and functionalities always a click away
  • Portability: your unit in your pocket thanks to remote connectivity on mobile devices

Polaris is an HMI (Human Machine Interface), much more than a simple touch screen, where on top of the intuitive graphic and usability is available, as a standard, a comprehensive set of embedded functionalities and features:

  • LiteView: smart-phone and table app for remote monitoring and setting (cycle parameters and self-start data), inclusive of a “blackboard” to send messages to the screen in the cage wash area
  • TeleService: remote connectivity via internet (on customer’s permission) for troubleshooting and software upgrades directly from the factory without stepping in you facility
  • eMeter: data collection and statistics on the machine consumptions (electricity, water and detergents)
  • USB port: cycles, alarms and eMeter data downloadable in digital format
  • Self-Start: a weekly programmable functionality to automatically switch on and prepare your unit
  • Self-Clean: a dedicated cycle to rinse chamber, lines and tanks when a drain process is requested
  • Web-cams: available on robotics to enhance remote visibility and simplify communications through barriers

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